CORRECTED: "It was all ILLEGAL!" - Barron Trump* Calls for Fauci to Go to Prison
"None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything. Those who coordinated this (i.e. Fauci) need to go to prison."
*After I posted this article, it was brought to my attention that X-verified blue checkmarks are being given to X-accounts that do not verify that the X-account is owned by the person named on the account. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
The below statement is from Barron Trump News with an X verified blue checkmark.
Also, what is the point of an X-verified blue check mark other than to monetize fraudulent platforms?
January 26, 2025: Barron Trump posted a bold statement yesterday on X*, asserting that everything that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, from lockdowns to the mandating of harmful, disease-causing (and sometimes lethal) COVID-mRNA injections, was ILLEGAL.
President’ Trump’s son calls special attention to Anthony Fauci and those that coordinated unlawful and illegal guidance (for mandates), authorizations, approvals, and other fraudulent actions within Department of Health of Health and Human services (HHS), not only be sued, but “go to prison.”
“Department of Health Admitted:
Anthony Fauci was ILLEGALLY APPOINTED along with 14 other people
Those 14 people were in large part responsible for sweeping mandates of control issued from December, 2021 to March of 2023
These are people who were not supposed to have control, taking control and telling the whole country what they had to do during this time
They spent $26 billion when they didn't have the legal right to
If people were adversely affected by the choices of the Department of HHS, this should open up a lot of lawsuits against the United States government. This includes businesses that had to close, people that had extreme distress, whether it be physical or emotional.
None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything, those who coordinated this need to go to prison.” - Barron Trump, X
“What Fauci Has Done Is Not Unlawful. It Is Criminal.”
October 20, 2021, Brannon Howse interviewed me in this 2021 extended 1-hour interview, during which, I did not mince my words regarding the criminal acts of Fauci and the departments of HHS (including the FDA).
“Everything that’s been done, it has not been just unlawful. It's criminal.
The FDA's authorization has been criminal. The FDA approval has been criminal.
The manufacturing has been criminal.
The propaganda promoting it as 'safe and effective' has been criminal.
This is a massive global terrorist attack against humanity. It's all criminal. It needs to stop. We’ve been lied to, and people are dying.”
“I don’t understand why Congress is not filing criminal charges against our government (and the) FDA. What the FDA has done is not just unlawful, it is criminal. What Fauci has done is not unlawful. It is criminal. Period.” - Karen Kingston, Oct. 21, 2021
If you go to the 12:00 minute mark in this link to WorldViewTube, I explain how the enemies of America (including Dr. Fauci) are destroying America by convincing citizens and military to concede to participate in self-harm and suicide by injecting themselves with bioweapons.
Additional Information on HHS and FDA Crimes
More information on the criminal COVID-19 acts of Dr. Anthony Fauci, HHS and the U.S. government can be found in these Kingston Reports.
American Citizens and Military are Conceding to Self-Harm due to Fear-Based Propaganda and Coercion
Fauci Used Fear and Mandates to Destroy American Ideologies and Freedoms
Exposing the NIH/EcoHealth Funding of Wuhan's Gain-of-Function Research
Mathew 24: 9-13
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
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What an amazing political issue to cut your teeth on!
Offense Offense Offense ! Hold up the lefts very own signs demanding Justice….AND GIVE IT TO THEM!