"None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything. Those who coordinated this (i.e. Fauci) need to go to prison."
Please see the opening clarification I provided to the article below.
"*After I posted this article, it was brought to my attention that X-verified blue checkmarks are being given to X-accounts that do not verify that the X-account is owned by the person named on the account. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
The below statement is from Barron Trump News with an X verified blue checkmark.
Also, what is the point of an X-verified blue check mark other than to monetize fraudulent accounts?"
Ahem. I predict that Baron Trump will be President in one or two more admins. If the rules change and I think that they will, perhaps next Prez., give that his father is not granted a third term.
The small idiot did more than just illegalities. He is a mass murderer and there is copious proof.
Let's see that he is lynched.
And who’s going on a witch hunt now then? 🤔🤔 Good for the goose and gander and all that…….
Offense Offense Offense ! Hold up the lefts very own signs demanding Justice….AND GIVE IT TO THEM!
What an amazing political issue to cut your teeth on!
Yes, Miz Jane.
I could say the same for me, but not for the likes of YOU!
This is meant as a supreme compliment; I am just covering my - - -.
Hi Jane,
Please see the opening clarification I provided to the article below.
"*After I posted this article, it was brought to my attention that X-verified blue checkmarks are being given to X-accounts that do not verify that the X-account is owned by the person named on the account. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
The below statement is from Barron Trump News with an X verified blue checkmark.
Also, what is the point of an X-verified blue check mark other than to monetize fraudulent accounts?"
Thank you for your support. - Karen
Ahem. I predict that Baron Trump will be President in one or two more admins. If the rules change and I think that they will, perhaps next Prez., give that his father is not granted a third term.
KK is not "cutting her teeth". Where have you been the past few years?
She meant Barron…slow down……hahahah
Jane probably meant me, her new buddy. I appreciate new, good stuff to read.