
Critical Government H5N1 Flu Updates

If you want to throw sand in the gears of the government's plan to attack our health, food supply, economy, and our Constitutional rights again, please watch and share this in-depth report on H5N1.

December 2, 2024: Unbeknownst to Americans and global citizens, nearly all animal species on the planet (including human beings) are in the inter-pandemic phase of the “highly disease-causing and deadly” H5N1 pandemic.

Knowledge is power. Empower your community by sharing this FREE report.


On October 10, 2024, members of the WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, ASPR, BARDA, CBER, as well as U.S. infectious disease pediatricians, held a 6.5-hour meeting to discuss the current status and further development of the 2024-2025 H5NX pandemic virus, as well as vaccine development, deployment, and FDA approval.

Other excellent interviews from Brett can be found at Brett Hawes on the Onward Podcast.

If you’re concerned about the food supply, the economy, sovereignty over your body and health, or not being blind-sided by our government’s upcoming plans to suspend our Constitutional rights again, please watch and share this in-depth, 75-minute interview with Brett Hawes on the planned 2025 pandemic.


A Heartfelt and Hopeful Thank You!!!

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has supported me and The Kingston Report. Whether you're a subscriber, a donor, or someone who lifts me up in prayer, your contributions mean more than words can fully convey. Your prayers provide a sense of peace and purpose that goes beyond the tangible. In a world that can often feel overwhelming, your prayers ground me in hope and help me stay true to my mission; to the get the COVID-19 mRNA injections pulled from the market and to heal and restore what has been taken from so many victims.

This Giving Tuesday, consider making a one-time donation at Ko-fi or becoming a paid subscriber to The Kingston Report.

With gratitude - Karen Kingston

Ephesians 5:11-14

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.

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Contact: I can be contacted via email at patriots@mifight.com

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