Dr. Joe Sansone: Leading A Noble Cause for Humanity
"We are at war and I am willing to give my life for this cause. I am asking you to have the courage right now to take an action that may potentially save tens of millions of lives." - Dr. Joe Sansone
Again, FLORIDA! FIVE COUNTIES IN FL! It IS a start. Thanks Dr Sansone! Your dad must've been an amazing guy. In honor of him and millions of other men and women who gave their lives for freedom, have a great Memorial Day. May we never cave and give it away again to commies, marxists, terrorists, or blindly bribed politicians. For the next 5 days, my book "Vaccine" Injuries, Lies, and Deaths is free on Kindle at amazon. WAKE YOUR SLEEPING FRIENDS AND FAMILY. -
May 23, 2023: Dr. Joseph Sansone is a husband, psychotherapist, and resident of Lee County, Florida. He is the author and leader of the Ban the Jab Resolution. The resolution defines the COVID-19 injections as biological weapons. The use of the COVID-19 injections on civilian adults and children are criminal violations of the Nuremberg Code, Geneva Conv…
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