I’m from Charlotte, NC (now living in Austin). My husband teases me for being a lowly “Piedmonter.”

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Moderna's roots run deep:


Idk if it's possible to take action successfully.

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I believe that states are not suing Moderna because the AGs of all states are probably aware that Moderna's major stakeholders (as disclosed in several Moderna 10-K filings with the SEC, which I have read) are BARDA and DARPA, i.e., divisions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Defense. In my limited understanding, Moderna is the federal government's horse in this covid vaccine race. Someone correct me, if I'm wrong.

This is why I was not surprised that JnJ's covid shot was presented to the public early on (remember when Fauci told us all the J&J trials had been paused?) as a product that was known to cause blood clots, despite the fact that all three covid vaccines were known to cause thrombotic events... and was eventually withdrawn from the market.

If Pfizer's covid shot product gets knocked out of the game (taken off the market, due to "poor sales" because everyone begins to be aware that it is bad) next thanks to lawsuits that claim Pfizer's product was fraudulently marketed, and suddenly Moderna will be the primary covid shot in town.

Just go to SEC.gov and search for Moderna's 10-K and 10-Q filings and read them. The company discloses to shareholders that it's essentially a shell company for the federal government. That's why the DHS or NIH (I forget which) received a big cut of Moderna's profits a few months ago.

But I'm no expert on any of this... This is just how I see it.

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That makes sense and gives me pause to consider some things. Thanks for adding this information to the conversation. It's my understanding that Moderna's profits have increased this year. I pray all the culprits are exposed and don't care who they are because I love my family of humanity more than any person(s) that would cause them/us harm. I think we all have some differences on our thoughts in this matter, but ultimately we all want the same result of being free to live and not be murdered by those who seek our demise

I come off strongly through my words at times; it's the anger, but mostly sadness being expressed. No offense intended through anything I say to or about anyone on this forum only to those who fight against us. Expose those who seek our annihilation, Jesus, please.

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Hi Frances. Yes. AG Kobach even stated in the press interview that other manufacturers, including Moderna, were/are under intense oversight with significant investments from the US government. This makes it very difficult for states to prosecute them as they would likely have to bring in departments of the US government as well.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

Thanks for your reply. You are the greatest! Praying for you from Austin, Texas!

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I'm not just talking ignorantly off the top of my head in my previous post. The US govt paid Pfizer and the DoD is in this entire bio weapon murderous plot against humanity. I've been researching quite some time and allow myself to see what needs to be seen even if some are connected that I wish weren't. I don't aim to be offensive with my words but let truth reign so we can truly be free because Biblical Scripture states, " ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free "

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Perhaps it was pre-arranged to let Pfizer be the scapegoat when it was decided it was time for this Operation to launch so that when the truth about this jab came out eyes would look elsewhere and not toward the real villain. I believe the division between the pharma companies is slim to none. but branches from the same tree. In my thinking the Moderna/DoD connection is far too relevant to overlook, the one which was launched through Operation Warp Speed. It's beyond infuriating to me, how everyone gets blamed except the man who was president at the time, the same one who launched and still brags to this day about the death jab. Why might that be; could it be so he can be the Savior people will demand as we observe our world disintegrating. And those who say the jab is bad, but still attend Trump rallies and support "the father of the vaxx" Explain that to those of us who no longer ride the Trump train and who despise the man because he allowed and promoted Operation Warp Speed as we observe it's effects upon our fellow humanity family and the way this world now Operates.

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Exactly. These companies' SEC filings (10-K & 10-Q) are where you can find the closest versions of the truth about what entities they're each in bed with...

When I read Pfizer's 10-Ks, I saw that it claimed its major stakeholders included Vertex (which is, I believe, a Gates-backed pharma company), Merck and several other pharmaceutical companies.

This reminds me of the Blackrock, Blackstone, Vanguard & StateStreet relationships.

A lot of them seem financially tied to one another.

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It is my thinking that some of us have opened our eyes and we're not going to let some things pass. To take the direction that is implied in the article that Pfizer is the sole responsible party, and that Operation Warp Speed is independent of the whole fiasco and somehow blameless is a slap in the face to me and others. I remember too well and have also learned too much. Look up Moderna, which is the entity that I seem to remember as being the jab pushed by our govt. officials early on. Yet, it's now almost four years later and Pfizer is the one mainly blamed. Im no fan of Pfizer either. But it looks like a separation narrative taking place, to put Trump's Op Warp Speed as blameless, so those who aren't blind any longer will doubt their discernment, instinct, whatever you call it and climb back aboard that train. I voted for him twice, so I wasn't a never Trumper. I've just wised up to the game plan.

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yea, I can’t see past him not walking back the vaccine talk and his not acknowledging that some people have been badly hurt or killed by them.

David Martin did a great job yesterday on InfoWars, explaining how Trump was complicit in the Covid shenanigans, whether he was initially aware of it or not.

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Thank you Francis for the information you provide. It helps me to not feel so alone about a lot of things. The truth will come out at some point, but until then, I'm concerned that many will continue on in this madness either through ignorance or refusal to accept the truth to their own benefit. It's a sad time.

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Remember that 95% didn’t take the latest booster! Trump

may not be saying the shots are bad (or don’t do what the pushers claim), but people know…

Keep your focus on whatever is good.

Hope is a choice.

You were made for a time such as this, & I was too!

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

When will we see Pfizer withdraw their bio weapon of the pharmaceutical shelf?

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The prayer for relief may push them to remove the current mRNA injections, as the fines can continue to accumulate as the products stay on the market.

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Karen…. To your knowledge did Pfizer have any form of “sole source” advantage over Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. It would appear not since both had mRNA tech, right?

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I don't know what 'sole source' is.

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Sole source is where the service or product is of such a high degree of uniqueness, even in some cases patented, that only one company has the ability to contract to provide that product or service. In such cases standard contracting rules and regs can be bypassed, saving time and money to the government or company advertising a bid or doing the bidding. It seems this did not apply here after all.

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This is being decided by the USPTO currently. Other mRNA manufacturers have dragged Pfizer into court for patent infringement, including Moderna.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

Lord willing, this could indeed be (become) the breaking point. The Reckoning has to start somewhere. It will start somewhere. Some when. I hope God will let it be now, this way.

Thank you Karen.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

Thank you for your tireless work, Karen! Will this be the same gain of function "charade " they have played with Fauci the last 2 years? While they unleash something stronger, and all the focus will then be on that.

I noticed they took one of the movie channels on spectrum and turned it into a news channel which seems to focus on the bird flu or the next scariant! Setting the stage.

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I believe this is a genuine effort by the states' AGs.

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I have no doubt that it is. But this is the beast system we are fighting, and they are always one step ahead.

But in no way, shape, or form is my statement coming from a fatalist viewpoint. We never stop shouting, fighting, and warning in this battle. Silence is a sin!

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So here's my concern, Karen, based upon what I've seen AGs do in the past, regarding "harmful" and "deceptively marketed" pharmaceutical products: I worry that these lawsuits are just a way for the states to get a cut of the profits from these pharma companies.

I say this because, several years ago, 38 states filed suit against J&J over its Pinnacle total hip replacement product, because it was a harmful product, marketed as "99.9%" safe and effective (& sold to the government via patients who received it and whose hip replacement surgeries were covered by MEDICARE, MEDICAID, and the VA). The Pinnacle was marketed by J&J deceptively, using fraudulently conducted "scientific" studies that were published in reputable medical journals.

The truth about the J&J Pinnacle fraud and the lies used to market it came out in several Pinnacle hip civil litigation bellwether trials. I attended the last two of these trials, as I, myself had just seen my health and life destroyed by the two Pinnacle hips I was implanted with in 2011. I went to sit in on the trials because I was still in pain, having serious heart and neurolgical issues and, since all the doctors said the hips were great (but I didn't feel great), I needed to know what the evidence would say about the product. That's how I learned of all the fraud... It was devastating, but showed me I had to get the hips revised. I got the toxic hips removed and replaced with less toxic products, and my health and brain function returned to normal almost immediately.

A few years after the AGs sued J&J over the Pinnacle hip, the news broke that they'd all agreed to take a $120M settlement deal that J&J had offered.

There was no justice for us, the actual victims.

The $120M J&J paid the states just went into the states' coffers to reimburse the states for their expenses related to the bad product and what it had cost the states. Nothing went to help the actual people who were hurt or the families of those killed by these products which released cobalt ions into their bloodstream and destroyed their soft tissue, brain and heart.

I'm just worried that the AGs will accepted a settlement offer from Pfizer, and we'll never see anything close to actual justice. The news isn't even covering the filing of these lawsuits, which is stunning to me, as a former professional journalist. Then again our news is now, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. correctly states, "Industry captured."

Here's my story, in case anyone is curious. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/investigations/medical-device-dangers/269-c41ad14d-031f-4166-a18b-4361e8e22cfd

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I am so sorry to hear of your health complications due to the Pinnacle device and that no monetary restitution was provided you. Hopefully these AGs lawsuits will be the doorway for personal injury attorneys to bring lawsuits against the manufacturers for the benefit of the victims.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

And thank you for all you're doing Karen. You've really helped me understand what's going on.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

Thank you Karen. I have followed your work ever since this evil was first being perpetrated on the public. You deserve the Medal of Freedom more than anyone else in this Country. Thank you for keeping your nose to the grindstone and not letting up. You are a hero in more ways than you may ever know. May our Lord and Savior reward you richly in His Kingdom.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

Even Fauci said safe and effective for what, death?

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

"We Just Got Lucky.----That was a headline in The Jerusalem Post article in ~March 2020. They had "Isolated" the COVID19, Inc. virus by using the Corona (Crown in Latin) Virus. They were referring to a study conducted in October, 2019 in Israel to "Isolate The Virus" we were expecting. Were y'all expecting a virus Miss Karen? Neither was I. This coincides with Mr. Billy Gates Event 201 and that University (I forget the name)and the related shit.

Then the expected millions of deaths by that British University "Scientist" from COVID19, Inc. Mr. Neck Breather Bourla now lives in "Israel"---our bestest ally in the entire world but has no Extradition Treaty to arrest, try and hang Mr. Bourla.

COVID19 Authoritarianism--in full display. I reckon these Feds best double check on their so-called " Number One Allies". They'd cut our throats in a NY minute. Mr. Rockefeller & Rothschild are involved too. Israel is literally owned by the Rothschild family. Israel, Inc. Sure is.

Y'all called this all out before anyone.

God Bless sweetheart.

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Event 201 is detailed in this film... and in RFK Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, as well as in the film, Plandemic 2; InDoctorNation. I'll post a link to it below. https://x.com/brycemlipscomb/status/1802132982435856428?s=46

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Thank you Frances--I'm obliged.

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Everyone please watch this. It's free. It shows what happened in Event 201.


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I just finished watching it--Oh my.........

RIP Norman Dodd--The Reese Committee on tax free, fake charities like Rockefeller, Gates, Carnegie Foundation----The Reese Committee tried to dismantle them in 1953. Carroll Reese was a Tennessee Congressman from East Tennessee. There is a video with him being interviewed by Edward Griffith in the early 1980's shortly before he passed on.

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I’d love to see that! I married an East Tennessean. They’re the best!

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I'm from Jonesboro, TN----Appalachia----I'll look for it and drop it here. Just west of Johnson City. There's The Carroll Reese Building in Johnson City. It's on You Tube from ~1982----52 minutes--Y'all married a Dixie Rebel? Good on ya. G Edward Griffith interviews him------RIP Norman Dodd.

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My husband was born in Gray (Grey?) Station, TN, a bedroom community of Johnson City. ha ha.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Karen Kingston

The allegations of deceptive and unconscionable acts and practices, if proven, lead to an interesting finding of fact that may trigger additional and perhaps criminal enforcement action against the defendants.

When one contemplates the mentality of most publicly-traded corporations listed with the SEC, it's all about the trading price of the stock. Anything that provokes an an increase is itself a motive to do whatever harm or deception provided earnings and stock price remain a net positive.

The rest of us don't think like this. Our work environments don't manifest and reward such cultural extremes in obedience. Any concept of a cost of harm is, on its face, abhorrent and to be avoided, and comprises the world view of any individual human citizen devoted to the mutual interest and the principles of Jefferson and Madison instantiating the mutual and unalienable individual rights on which our nation is founded.

No so in the large publicly-traded corporation. The calculus is different. It's all about the stock price. It's all about the quarterly performance. It's all about special rights for special people; not the mutual interests but special interests as the executive so deems.

We reasonably should fear such an institutional climate where the value of human life is cynically reduced to a risk/benefit analysis; where whatever causes a net increase in period earnings and an increase in stock price creates of climate where no harm is unacceptable that boosts period earnings and the value of stock options.

What if the suspicions of criminality lead to evidence that shows it to be so; to be demonstrably rooted in the upward manipulation of stock price by orchestrations of fraud? What if a criminal conspiracy can be shown? Not saying there is any criminality per se, just wondering if this is where this gnarly mess ultimately goes.

What if manipulating and inflating stock trading price is the underlying motive of it all?

In this institutional climate, the creeping ennui of "no lie is too big to tell" is a wink-wink, nudge-nudge reality, and perhaps, the very object of the exercise that promises great personal rewards and advancement for what would be seen as unconscionable wrongdoing anywhere else.

Eugenics is not just a historical wrong but ongoing contemporary movement Rudy Rummel's scholarship has termed "Democide." His body of work on the history of Democide is the very history of government during times of peace. The killing does not stop. It worsens.

Welcome to the malignant harvest. Fascism is the fusion of corporate and institutional hegemony with state authority over the lives and life of the individual.

The people of the nation become the the crop to be harvested for benefit of the employees of the state and the children of their cohort, the corporations and institutions chartered (birthed) by the state and employees who run them.

Bitter harvest indeed. I hope the American state governments can harness the principles of the UCC and the rubric of consumer protection statutes and regulations, establish standing and defeat the attempts to preempt such legal action by claims of immunity by fiat of federal preemptions over their commerce. We will see the answer these questions soon enough.

There is no bigger issue in the modern technology that the cryptic crisis of assault, adulteration and pollution of human food, water, atmosphere and serial, involuntary and unbargained-for violation of the private physiology of each individual human person.

This is the greater cardinal issue in play.

Does the apparent policy doctrine of "indemnity fascism" and the regulatory hybrid of "predatory indemnity" operated by unelected agents of the government and its "issue" (corporations and other agencies) prevail and preempt the primacy of individual civil rights and unalienable rights of the individual human citizen person?

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In answer to your final paragraph, I would suggest criminal charges under Quo Warranto proceedings in all 50 States. There are no offered indemnities under Quo Warranto processes.

The former United States of America has been overthrown by a corporate sponsored coup d’état. This should be VERY obvious by now. >>> Definition: Quo warranto >>>

"Quo warranto is Latin for "by what warrant” (or authority). A writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person's right to hold a public or corporate office. A state may also use a quo warranto action to revoke a corporation's charter. When bringing a petition for writ of quo warranto, individual members of the public have standing as citizens and taxpayers." [End quote]

Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quo_warranto

Excerpted from: Quo warranto - Wikipedia

"In the United States: Quo warranto could be brought against a corporation when it misuses its franchise. In 1890, the Supreme Court of Ohio wrote: “The corporation has received vitality from the state. It continues during its existence to be the creature of the state, must live subservient to its laws, and has such powers and franchises as those laws have bestowed upon it, and none others. As the state was not bound to create it in the first place, it is not bound to maintain it after having done so, if it violates the laws or public policy of the state, or misuses its franchises to oppress the citizens thereof.” [End quote]

Refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quo_warranto

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I agree with your arguments and believe they should be brought into the courtroom. Janet Woodcock has gone on the record stating that certain 'innovative' products needed to be approved for the sake of the industry's growth and individual corporations' stock value.

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Allow me to distill your post. Corporations and corporate syndication have enslaved mankind, corrupted all notion of ethics, and destroyed the entire planet for a fist full of pennies. No one seems to give a shit, because they all live, work, and invest at the company store.

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Well said Paul. The only real question in my mind is whether we can survive what looks to me to be an imminent kinetic Second Revolutionary War right here long enough to recover actual elected governance and functionality of this Constitutional Republic.

It ain't looking real good right at this moment. I can't see any way the installed regime will allow itself to be ousted in an actual election and thereby become the object of the righteous Reckoning so desperately demanded.

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Thank you Dennis, and you're right. It ain't looking real good... All current regime need to be fired, and "representative" democracy completely dismantled. "Representative" democracy is a fraud and always was a fraud. I've suggested remedy in my second reply to Mr/Ms glissmeister. See above.

The Reckoning needs to include Direct Democracy, including all Lawful dictate limited via 75% Civil Referendum. Candidates for civil office should be confined to selection via Sortition. The civilian public is being Jobed and they know it...

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Agreed. If one transposed the “i and r” in the verb that the current crop need, I’d be happier with it.

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I could never imagine a government allowing a contractor to have so much control over the product of the Work. Most of my career was spent in writing, bidding and managing contracts and contractors, and our municipality always OWNED the product of the contracted services. The consultant could keep copies of documentation but we had files of everything. Moderna must be shaking in their boots.

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The 'good part' is that it allows states and individuals to civilly sue or criminally prosecute Pfizer without dragging in the entire department of HHS and US military. I am relieved that state AGs are seeing the corruption that has occurred and taking action.

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An actual elected representative government wouldn't. We don't currently have one of those in America.

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