It is sorry crazy to watch America go dow this way. My country off New Zealand has done this already ad the only hope for us ad the world is if America stops the takeover now.

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So you have a known enemy who unsurprisingly does not have you best intentions at heart. And you have 'leaders' doing nothing to stop them and are rather helping them.

Who's the most dangerous; the enemy without, or the enemy within?

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Why isn't biden stopping China? He is dead. He never spent a day in office after the selection yes was no election he was killed. The man playing Biden is named Arthur Roberts a 2 bit actor. Look at the earlobes Bidens were loose and Roberts are attached to the head. At inauguration Trump got the 21 gun salute that all incoming and outgoing presidents get. However Biden got a 9 cannon salute which is funeral procession. There's more evidence lots more but its Obama calling all the shots. Can't believe people fall for this BS.

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Kingston

Valid point Karen, especially considering the Chinese police stations operating in Canada.

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Let's all watch what China is doing, and try to stop it before it is too late...Yes? But please, consider this: Why are there no comments about what the tentacles of the WEF, and The Committee of the 300 are doing? Is the focus on China meant to cause tunnel vision exclusion of the danger that has been mounting since Dr. John Coleman warned us of in his 1992 publication "CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY" The story of the Committee of the 300"? The Intelligence Officer, privy to extraordinary information, said we are in danger from the ENEMY WITHIN, who have been captured and cooperate with the agenda for one world government, and please note, that what Coleman warned us of 33 YEARS AGO, HAS ALREADY COME TO PASS. Spiritual wickedness in high places. The current administrations in the Western World are more dangerous to us than China, in my opinion, simply because they are working against us with impunity, largely undiscovered, in plain sight...as warned of by Dr. John Coleman in 1991, and likely are the reason China is making progress...they are allowing it. I am not sure of the names of those named by Coleman, due to my memory, so I will not say them...however, my radar is blipping...

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I’ve seen a lot of coverage of the WEF in the alt media - even Rogan, Tucker and Russel Brand talk about the WEF, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harrari. You can find thousands of alt media podcasters covering the WEF. Everyone is afraid to address China as our #1 enemy because of Xi’s global reach. There is good reason to be afraid to talk about China. The WEF could care less if you talk about their leaders and their plans.

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I am unable to recall a reference to well known people associated with the WEF or YGL, that is nagging my brain to think of it...but Mario Bartiromo is on my radar. Anyone confirm or deny please?

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IMO, time is more well spent verifying the mass IP theft, tech sabotage, poisoning of the pharma supply, and mass purchase of farmland by China near US military bases, as well as China's desire to 'own' all life forms, as is the clearly stated mission by the China National Gene Bank.

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