Begs the question….. what ‘vehicle’ brainwashed the Columbine boys to kill their friends and…. conned over half the world to potentially get jabbed with bioweapons 🤷‍♂️

🙏💁‍♂️💻📱🖥️ …. Time for a weekly fast from these 2 dimensional digetal scentless souless things and get our 3 dimensional water beings into nature …………


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I'd like to recommend a book that is helping me a lot: The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer. By Stella Morabito. I've been wrestling with so much confusion about why this is happening, how good people can not see what's going on and especially how isolating it is to be in disagreement with others about reality. This book is revealing a bigger picture and making me even more awake than before. I recommend it.

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Sep 26Liked by Karen Kingston

If I've learned one thing, actually two things, over the past 4 years; it's that most people do not really want to know the truth if they think they might find it unpleasant.

And therefore, most people will believe what they want to believe; especially if it makes them feel self righteous.

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Sep 25Liked by Karen Kingston

Anyone ever notice what dead look Pence always has in any of his pix? If that man's got a soul, its hidden deep. What a creepy looking 'man' he is. Or is he a reptilian?

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Sep 25Liked by Karen Kingston

Never a conspiracy buff before the HOAX was launched on us...very, very much asleep. I don't think most of us gave up our freedoms, we never saw they were being eroded away. The Truthers like yourself Karen were who I started to listen to but only distantly. It took time for me to see the magnitude of the scheme, the plan, the agenda. Not even 9-11 shook me awake. I was however adamant that organized religion was part of mankind's troubles and as it turned out. Of that my instincts were spot on.. More and more comes out everyday on the Vatican and how supremely EVIL it is. Christianity will not survive. Benjamin Fulfords report this week starts out with "Francis to be last Pope as Catholic Church goes bankrupt".........YES!!!

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Is it time to free ourselves of the 2 dimensional slavery we have been under for about 15 thousand years 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 🙏💁‍♂️…. Now spewing digital frequencies discombobulating our 3+ dimensional water beings …. Case in point …. Columbine 🙏

💁‍♂️how about a day (at least) a week fast and certainly a smudge before we give it our attention 🙏💁‍♂️🖥️📱💻💁‍♂️👎🔥👎💧


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Notwithstanding the allegations that those who speak against the government approved narrative are "domestic terrorists" COVID-19 was an act of international terrorism, and those who consciously promulgated the fear, knowing it was unwarranted are terrorists, who should be prosecuted for terrorism.

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Sep 25Liked by Karen Kingston

I wish I could have warned more people about what was to come back then, but they thought I was nuts. It's an awful feeling to know you're right and you want to help others but you can't. God blessed me at birth, He gave me the "knowing" I don't why He chose me but Im grateful He did, its saved me thru the years.

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The curse of the Cassandra complex from Greek mythology

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Sep 25Liked by Karen Kingston

Please see the Milgram experiment. it's a function of the majority of people blindly following authority, while a smaller percentage sees through the facade.

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