Some insights from Dr. Shiva. Who I am VOTING for POTUS 2024!!!

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Shiva4President.com, ShatterTheSwarm.com, va_shiva on X

The recent trashing of #FreeSpeech by the Supreme Court in Murthy vs Missouri. Why was Shiva's case in Massachusetts not used with its clear government involvement in censorship?

The debate

Bottom up solutions to "The Swarm"

INTERVIEW Shiva: #SCOTUS Speech Case Was Rigged to Fail


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Hallelujah!!! Keep bringing it Karen!!


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Powerless? I'll believe it when I see it.

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This is a very fair and just outcome! Reading your article gives me goosebumps of excitement that the people are taking the power back!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

This sounds great.

But is the go around to this ruling…. Just get corrupt Congress to make the laws instead?

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To those intimating SCOTUS overreach or mere ‘turf reclamation,” may I remind that before Chevron, the courts were the repository of disputes about regulatory power. After Chevron, the regulators became the repository of knowledge and expertise over the disposition of regulatory power.

Am I the only person who sees more than a little three-letter regulator conflict of interest there?? It’s as simple as CDC…er…ABC!

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Thank you Karen Kingston and great clarification of Chevron Def. A very special person close to me says now a guy like me (vaersaware.com) is holding the smoking gun or like I say, I have the silver bullet to bring down these vampires.

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Jun 29Liked by Karen Kingston

Excellent summary. Thank you.

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Jun 29Liked by Karen Kingston

About time!

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Until Kagan’s dissent, I thought the only Affirmative Action SCOTUS appointments were Sotomayor and KBJ.

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Jun 29Liked by Karen Kingston

This is VERY good news! The 1984 Chevron deference was one of the legal decisions that gave politicized "experts" power over the courts in the U.S. The National Chidhood Vaccine Injury Act, which INDEMNIFIED big-Pharma against vaccine injury, followed in 1986.

Hopefully, the reversal of the Chevron deference will lay the groundwork for eliminating any and all indemnification from pharmaceutical companies for their unsafe vaccine products, particularly childhood vaccines and the COVID-19 weapon of mass destruction

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It will! Praise God!

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Karen Kingston is amazing! I won’t mention names but I hope these two ladies on ss will get out of her grill and admit they were wrong and Karen was right!

Thanks Karen…sharing this everywhere

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My hope is that RFK Jr will use the reversal of the Chevron deference and pick up the Murthy v. Missouri case, which was thrown out by the Supreme Court for lack of standing. Children’s Health Defense does have standing in this matter. RFK's book on Fauci is a legal brief, and he can use all the book’s information about that particular miscreant + the affidavit of law professor, Dr. Francis Boyle, who stated unequivocally that the mRNA injections are bioweapons, to win in court. It would be a very good day for the good guys!

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Jun 29Liked by Karen Kingston

Excellent, We are slowly gaining ground. Has anyone heard if Thomas Massie’s wife was vaccinated ? It seems like she passed suddenly, but there is little to go on.

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I was wondering the same thing, so sad.

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Jun 29Liked by Karen Kingston

In this world, it seems almost too good to be true - but am truly thankful to that judge!!!

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