I'm thankful my mother wouldn't allow me to be vaccinated and got exemptions through her church. I did get a few though.

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Great, now scrutinize why an experimental tranvecting gene product was given to pregnant women.

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Look, pathogens are real. The biosphere has an intelligence that keeps everything in the natural world in balance. And homosapiens have altered this balance and the biosphere will attempt to re-balance what we have done to it by whatever means it can. But there are those that use the fear of disease and death to keep us constantly in fear as we have just witnessed. Viral theory and the existance of viral pathogens is one of these. Also, there are those that have planned for a massive reduction in the human population by gain of function injection contents that cause infertility and disease with trojan horse pathogens. In short, when you hear the word 'virus' in any document be very skeptical.

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Well Done!

This was inspirational, watching two Beautiful, Well Spoken Ladies, come together on this issue...

You Rock! 👍🤣😎

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Love this message Karen 👍

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Still, vaccine safety is a canard. RFK Jr, sort of understands Fauci's fraud, but then he fires Jonathan J. Couey, showing he still does not get it. Why stop short of Pasteur's fraud, if even he himself admitted at the end of his life admitted that: The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything. The whole thing about vaccine safety and effectiveness is a complete fraud. I cannot lead your life, nor can I catch your disease. Health is something else. As I said to a friend when the first data from the Diamond Princess came along: I am more interested in the 83% of people who never caught it, even in that kind of a confined environment. I have seen too many examples of how one person "catches" an illness, while another person with 10x more exposure never does.

The body is designed to keep the outside out, and the inside in, and there is no way for an intramuscular injection to convey immunity to the mucosal lining of the airways. And in general, the whole idea of me drink poison so the other guy (germ!) dies, is completely delusional, and if we are still failing to address that, we are wasting time and more taxpayer money on trying to verify the safety of a procedure that is unsafe by design. A safe vaccine is a contradictio in terminis. Full stop. End of story.

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There is no childhood vaccines. The German high court found the paper underpinning the entire field of virology did not prove the existence of the measles virus. Without evidence of a virus there is not evidence of a vaccine.


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Reality and truth doesn’t mean a thing to those who live in a fake world with fake truths

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I hope they do a legit investigation and not “ fake” the results, like so many other trials and studies. The good thing is they know we are watching now. If they try to fudge the numbers or claim vaccine ingredients are a non- issue, that’s a red flag. We need saline placebos & retest every vaccine on the childhood schedule. I’m not sure if it’s ethically possible to even do that. This insanity of autism increasing every year needs to end.

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They can do a retrospective analysis using ICD and CPT codes. RFK Jr is not proposing a prospective study.

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Is that a ploy to change all vaccines to mRNA? When you have time, look at the list.

Why would he make statements about antisemitism? To me, he is showing the rest of the world

elites who are really in control.

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Facebook wouldn't let me post this, they called it Fake News. I know Zucker said he was trimming back on Fact Choakers but seems to have employed an AI that has a mind of it's own and it's preferences. There are a few ss's I can't post like Celia Farber.

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Praise God, someone with a backbone to stand firm!?! Could it be true?!?

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Look for trace contamination

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