Convolution continues.

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I disagreed with someone who wrote RFK Jr lied in his confirmation hearing about his position on vaccines. What he did was choose his responses with exquisite legalistic precision. He's still doing that. He has to to get us to where he can be "radically transparent" with the actual data. The actual data is that Truth Lion that will defend itself and burn down the horrendously fallacious constructs we've all been abused by all these years. Given just a wee bit more time, I don't think the consequences of disclosure can be stayed. I think the Reckoning is here.

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Well...I'm not 100% sure about RFK, Jr., but if I were to give him the benefit of the doubt, I'd say that he has to walk a fine line, and is being very strategic. I think that's the consensus of this Stack.

I hope that consensus is correct.

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Hey DK. I believe he is walking the fine line and gathering data.

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I completely agree. I think "The People" CAN handle the Truth. What we'll do about it when it becomes widely disseminated "public knowledge" is what they fear. They should be afraid. Very afraid. If the Constitutional governing system cannot be make to justly function in redress, there will be pitch forks and torches.

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Yes, you touch on one thing that I've pondered: whether the legal system will work for people.

What's Lawful is not necessarily what's legal, and what's legal is not necessarily what's Lawful.

I mention that because there's Law (God's Law) and then, there's man's law (or the legal system).

I believe that vast parts of the legal system is corrupt, in the sense that it can be played with to make it look like what's been done to people is legal (or, as you say, "If the Constitutional governing system cannot be make to justly function in redress...)

If that happens for all to see, then the people will know that the legal system (at least in this hypothetical example) is not on their side.

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We agree vast parts of the legal system are corrupt. So many patent functional failures abound one must wonder whether it can be made to function. I truly hope it will. I don’t want the Citizenry to have to do the job.

I actually own a pitch fork. I’m a 71 yo Veteran. I’ve already done hard things in service of this Country. As have two of my Veteran (blood) brothers. I know many, many others of our ilk who also didn’t get the shy retiring submissive gene. Fortunately, we understand we live in a Country with an established governing system designed to administer redress of inequities inflicted on the populace by any miscreants, specifically to include our own government, and we have been able, thus far, to be patient. Our tolerance of ineptitude or indeed, institutional turpitude, has a limit. We have arguably reached it.

When the child sacrifice pedophile cult becomes “common knowledge”, there will develop a contest to see whether God’s law or man’s law dispenses justice. If the System fails, it too will be served justice. No Quarter. No prisoners. No remorse. The monsters can talk to God about forgiveness. There is none among us.

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Yes. And See what Ty Bollinger says.

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The man has only been in the job for two weeks. If I was in his shoes I would not condemn the vaccines on my first day as so many would blame every subsequent child death on RFK because he stopped the vaxes. Let the man build his case and then he will have the backup to selectively disassemble the childhood vaccine schedule or simply provide the damning evidence to parents and let them decide if they want to vaccinate or not and take out the childhood mandates to attend school. We need him in this for 4 years, not just getting booted out after 4 months. Big Pharma is like a vulture waiting for an opportunity to get him.

I would not be surprised if the Texas outbreak was intentional to see if RFK will take the bait. If you spread measles around then sooner or later some child with comorbidities will die.

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Hi Fred. The more I did into Texas Department of State Health Services, the more this looks like exactly what you said, a set up. I feel like a Biopharma detective :)

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EXCELLENT , fred - - can't add a word to ur brilliant piece . . . ..............blessings

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THEY ARE all risky and poison. Full of metals and who knows what. They are so dangerous. I'm not anti vAX, I'm anti suicide. They only cause death, seizures, infertility, heart attacks, clots, strokes, paralysis, on and on!!!. As if God our Creator , in His Wisdom, didn't make our bodies strong enough to fight off diseases.

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With ur WISDOM sku , i know we're winnings - on fire common sense w ur passion & it won't take long til these kill shots r a distant bad memory . . . . ................blessings

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.....dear sky , my sincere apologies - i mispelled sky as 'sku' , sorry .

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RFK Jr is as bad as they get, he showed his true colours when he stopped talking about the covid jabs after joining Trump and his ridiculous talking points on saving hundreds of millions of lives with the bioweapon shots, I think you're all being played. The worst part is what Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Peter Thiel and Sam Altman are doing, you are all going to lose your country if you don't wake up soon.

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Shabbas goy.

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Trump and RFK are smart. Give them time to work so they can build a solid case. RFK didn't change his colours overnight. He is case building and had to get access to government records.

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