Sep 10·edited Sep 10

Miss Karen, I have another cheerful message from the RFK staff, I have sent you a number, look for it from your mylelab from William. 575.....96.

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Thank you Karen.

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As I've stated numerous times, lawsuits are not the way forward. Lawsuits are designed to affect 'legal' remedy related to breach of contractual agreement. Lawsuits contain zero criminal remedy and provide no direct enforcement provisions. Settlement is typically reached through arbitration/remedy via court *discretionary* jurisdiction. The remedy is "limited liability". Therein lies the rub...

Obviously; the Department of Health and Human Services colluded with the Department(s) of Defense prior to the introduction of emergency "policy". The "policy" in and of itself, was a fraud perpetrated under Color of Law. Mandates are not Laws, period...

Color of Law Statutes are introduced in 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights and 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law. Criminal charges need to be filed against ALL executive staff employed within these agencies. That said:

Pfizer Inc. is a publicly traded corporation organized in the State of Delaware with a principal place of business in New York, New York. Pfizer has been registered to do business in Kansas since June 8, 1993. The date of filing its original Certificate of Incorporation with the Secretary of State was June 2, 1942. >>> RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF PFIZER INC. >>> https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/78003/000007800304000132/ex-3_1.htm

Pfizer is in breach of it's Corporate Charter, period. Its Charter should be Revoked, with all financial and physical assets seized. >>> 2022 Delaware Code >>> Title 8 - Corporations >>> Revocation or forfeiture of charter; proceedings. >>> https://law.justia.com/codes/delaware/2022/title-8/chapter-1/subchapter-x/section-284/

Charges of Fraud and Racketeering need to be brought against ALL executive staff and their assigns.

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You are a relentless warrior for truth! Making Karen Great Again (as a fellow one of us with the undeservedly hijacked name)! THANK YOU!!

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Kingston

This is great news and this Kansas case is moving in the right direction! Karen you were spot on to be furious on Stew Peters show… I’m so grateful for you and your work over the past several years! Onward with truth!

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Kingston

Lord, we pray for justice! In Jesus name! Thank you, Karen,.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Kingston

Pfizer is fizzling...will they throw their accomplices from the DoD and HHS, FDA and CDC under the proverbial bus, or perhaps just plead the 5th? In Canada they could get free suicide MaiD service, with the bonus of organ donation...how sick is that anyway? Bourla should step up, set an example for the rest of his criminals, and Hari Kari himself...what a poor excuse for a human being. Falsely accusing the wise unvaxxed of killing the millions he murdered. I hope the judge is reasonable and honest...apparently some are not. Good job Karen, thank you for your work.

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Hi David,

With the 10th county of conspiring with the federal government, AG Kobach can drag federal employees into court. Those that covered up and/or misrepresented data to the public is easy to find - their names are on the documents and they often made press statements or lied in front of Congress.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Kingston

I await with bated breath...discovery is the place where the true black-hearted liars are separated from the little white lie cup cakes. Lying under oath takes brass stones...I suspect most will cave and confess, with caveats, but the hard core liars will double down, like Fauci has, lying to Congress. Those are the rascals that deserve no mercy. I do hope we can get some legal recourse against scientific fraud...a common scourge, used by the government, paying "professors" and "scientists" to produce studies in their favour, however untrue. I hope Kobach is able to cast a wide loop, and includes the universities and CEO's that have colluded with the enemy from within. Karen, I measure everything from Scriptural perspective, and I appreciate your show of faith...it matters these days. Jesus is coming. (Well done, good and faithful servant.) Thanks.

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........ HEAVENS GAL to END PHARMA MALFEASANCE - - this is over-the-top Good News , Karen deserves the accolades to the max . blessings

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Lets hope this makes it to the end and Kansas wins, God willing.

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Finally, it's beginning..... Thank you so much Karen for helping to get this started.

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