2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Do you believe they can - using bioelectronics and nanoparticles - actually rewrite the DNA code of living humans and successfully insert the new code, forcing changes without the victim's awareness?

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That is the description of the field of optogenetics. Scientists have been doing this to lab mice for over a decade.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

When Noah entered , he brought two x two ( male & female pair) , but pls read again noticing the 7 prs of clean animal pairs to just 1 pair of the unclean . UNFAIR - UNJUST ? ...no , He planned ahead knowing the unclean would be more robust / more organized and therefore out-compete w ordinary clean animals . In the Middle East where everyone is familiar w the habits of sheep (the clean) and of goats (the unclean) they know , if corralled together then the heartier goats will butt the weaker sheep all night - - keeping them from restful sleep - they become weakened - they can't graze properly - they become ill / malnourished , they die off . / / / / we must have a numbers advantage of clean to begin with and give them time to experience life before they all die off (credit Egyptian Pastor Michael Yousef for this insight). / / / / .......so the two days from Jesus need a ' shortening ' bc the goats have reached parity and have truly designed / implemented a plethora of ' effective operations' to cause our extinction . / / / / GOD must give us a 'bridge' to His Kingdom (one day / 1000 yrs) known as Isaiah's teaching of the kid lying down w the wolf, lion eats straw, etc , and HE / Jesus presents that bridge project in Matt 24 and some in Luke 17 and it involves ANGELS where 2 in the field and one taken , again 2 at the mill and one taken . PLS note in each case the 'one' taken by Angels is a 'goat' and amounts to 50% world population , and this allows / begins Isaiah's Kingdom (a Sabbath Day) a day as a 1000 yrs where no harm is done throughout the Earth . From Heaven - by Heaven to u & i and to every native of the AMAZON that the Good LORD is pleased to call HIS Child . . . . on my hands & knees now saying thanks to Father, Son, Spirit. . . .blessings Karen

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Thank you, Karen, for your perseverance! How is the beef?

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Hi Brian. The beef is good. It’s freeze-dried so it’s never going to be a juicy med-rare cute. I made fajitas, french dip and beef mushroom onion soup so far. I always make a beef, Worcestershire and bay leaf broth and let the beef marinate in the warm broth first. I always try products before I promote them.

It has good beef flavor compared to grocery store meat that has been frozen at home- a lot of meat that refreezes has completely lost flavor.

I’m most excited about the nutrient contents and that it is real beef that I can definitely work with in case the meat supply is decimated or goes sky high.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Ms. Karen I take comfort in knowing that our God is an awesome God and that he is quite aware of these nefarious plans. The minions of Satan crucified Jesus but......on the third day. We'll guess what? We that are found in Christ look forward to the day that we will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye.

Meanwhile this side of eternity, we have every right to protect ourselves, families, loved ones and community. The reality of change happening, one where men will rise up and be MEN, seems remote. Not until the shelves at the CCP store (Walmart) are empty will be people come out of the matrix.

I'm 26 years gone from my military retirement Ms. Karen but my oath never ended.

George Washington once wrote about our cause being righteous. Our youth are being destroyed daily, mentally and physically, is that not enough for a rallying cry?

When we pass we will be judged for what we've done in the body. Our nation is being judged now!

Love your work.

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment Bruce. Sadly, I agree that there will be no uprising, not even a rallying cry, to defend our nation or God’s children.

Praying that the world wakes up to our harsh reality.

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