Mark Huneycutt (YT video, #7 Trending) just hiked into Chimney Rock and spoke to multiple first responders and locales. No they are NOT bulldozing the town, and no there are not 60 bodies pulled out of Lake Lure. Be very careful - before believing any 2nd hand reports, have verifiable facts, evidence, and proof.

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Who is making money off our donations!? $8 fee on $50 is unreasonable! Greed is what caused this mess, it was geoengineered out of pure greed—now the donations are making more blood money for greedy opportunistic companies instead of passing funds directly it on to the victims at a fair fee! SO WRONG! This should be circumvented with blockchain, for just Pennie’s on every donation! WE THE PEOPLE CAN DO BETTER!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Thanks Karen. Much appreciated. There’s a special place in hell for this government murdering demons. .

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14 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Watching on from Australia. What a tragedy that your Govt have ignored. I’m wondering why the National Guard hadn’t been called in? Praying that many will be in the appropriate areas where needed. Well done to this group.

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Because NC National Guard was sent overseas the week before to the Middle East...and the military at Fort Bragg were stood down... oh, and all the spare transformers around were schooped up and sent to Ukies to get their power grid up and running just prior to Helene.. all while we suffer here at home through massive power losses etc. Just filled up my jerry cans, and the gas stations are hopping this Sunday morning. You won't be able to get gasoline if the power stops, like it did for 5 days with Helene. And those generators? Flying out of the stores... at least you can say one thing. The saving grace is alot of people have become preppers through these last few years by necessity awakened .... so there are people who will make it though mostly unscathed ready to help their neighbors out the other side.... Things are rapidly evolving with Storm Milton, soon to be Hurricane Milton. Florida is on tap for another CAT 3 hurricane to hit approx. Bull's Eye onto Tampa Bay area. If it does not go 60 miles south or so of here, there will be massive 9 ft or more flooding down the Tampa bay, which with all the new developments at the bottom of the Bay will be ruinous. Massive loss of life and disruptions. Please pray it heads south. Don't want to inflict on anyone but if it has to come, the smaller less populated areas are best - Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte...

In the meantime, if it hits here it will cross the state along I4 roughly heading straight to Orlando (low lying area) and packing the hurricane winds with an additional 10 to 15 inches of rains, then exit the East Coast which currently, due to a cold front, is experiencing something like a NorthEast'r. storm and picking up some storm flooding and rains. Jacksonville will flood for sure... Florida is royally screwed. Interesting to note, lots of those deplorables living in the counties that will be hardest hit umhum, note with interest. Florida is a purple leaning red state in reality with all the illegals and the demorats moving for 'covid' to be in a 'safe' state, LOL. i'm in the bullseye's eye on the West Coast and our barrier islands were devastated (look like NC in parts) from the Hurricane Helene. So. Weaponized Weather Engineering from yours truly Uncle Sam and the Blob state? Yup. Sure looks like it. Eh, what's that? Sounds like conspiracy? Nope, nope, conspira FACT. Gotta get those preps shored up. And oh, the debris from Helene hasn't been hauled way or dealt with. 115 mph winds, lots of flying debris... Fingers x'd the new roof holds up to it. Clamshells are deployed to the windows so they may help with that flying debris...

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I was wondering that myself. This team is as good as if not better than the National Guard, but their resources are limited.

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We had similar problems with a serious flood around Lismore, NSW some time ago. Our army is generally sent in to help straight away and they weren’t. People arrived from everywhere with boats, a helicopter and whatever they could and actually rescued people, including children and babies. People had been lying injured in mud and water for hrs and even days before being rescued. It was terrible.

I feel for those affected and pray that the Lord will use it for his glory.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Thanks for bringing this up Karen...I had no idea up until today of the magnitude of this. I'm in...just finished pushing the Give Send Go button...thanks for helping out. It looks like SRP is a good place to start.

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They have unrivaled equipment and trained men and women, on par with the National Guard.

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How is your group coping with FEMA criminals stopping the rescues?

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Can anyone verify the rumor that the Western North Carolina mountains have a rich supply of lithium. It is rumored that big companies want mining rights, but the property owners are against mining.

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Our government gangsters are guilty of murder because they prevented others from giving aid. I hope they get ID numbers and names. These people must be tried once a new administration takes office. The traitors must be punished. "They told me to do it" didn't work for Nuremberg and it's not going to today.

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The Lake Lure fire marshal that chased off a rescuer and he had to leave the guy behind, that guy? He AND His Town Mayor are so totally suspect. Who's paying them? Their attitude CYA was off the charts. Wouldn't admit they did wrong. Need to be fired of course, there is no town left. That's what happens when the leftist infest and infect your local gov't. Wondering how much monies for campaign they got from 'liberal' (aka NOGs and Sore Ass) sources...

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Has any group, responsible person started a reliable master list of residents, dead , alive, unknown, poss address, children?

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Becky, god bless you. But the situation is much worse that that. No real true organization, a mish mash of private, a few other states trying to help. FEMA actively interferring just like with the Lahaina, HI incident of the fires. But in reality, its down to smithereens out there, and 1,000s and 1,000s will be dead / are dead. If the remains aren't found, the deaths will go un noticed for a LOONG time.

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I donated to Rubicon... a very good outfit.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Hi Karen, Thanks for the info on a good 'boots on the ground' organization that is there to support!

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Makes me want to drop everything and go on a reconnaissance mission to secretly video record anything that would help show the world what FEMA (and those loan sharks) are doing.

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Pop over to the barrier islands on the Treasure Island, Maderia Beach of West Coast Fla. You can witness the interactions first hand. (If you can get in that is).

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17 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

I’m so glad to know about this! Thank you, Karen Kingston and the Breggins!

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Please keep an eye out for those preparing to stop the Strategic Response Partners. Are the Partners ready to defend their right to help with the use of firearms?

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They won't use fire arms. They will with draw and find a different route. That's the most sensible action.

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Thanks Karen, we all need to get the word out as the news of course is not doing there job! Just like Deborah said its up to We the People! Also, verified as legitimate to support www.mountainmulepackers.com/ and https://www.givesendgo.com/weloveWNC (Leigh Brown is heading up this great Christian relief team)

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The government and FEMA had a practice session in Lahaina, Maui. We must stop them now. The government has gone from being useless and over priced to being destructive of all we care for.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

FOIA where FEMA money goes and what they do with it...

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Paying for resettlement of illegal border jumpers, some 8 million strong dude. You know this. And they aren't even hiding it. The docs are out there.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Blinken money to Lebanon for disaster relief where is the aid for the Americans affected by the hurricane.


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