IMO, Dr. Ladapo is the KING of Surgeons General, but I count it all joy and praise YHWH our Lord that you, Karen, are the original whistleblower Queen of Courage and persistence. Congratulations! May God continue to unfold His holy Will.

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The link goes to a website named "govdelivery.com". While I won't go so far as to say this guidance isn't real, I will say that it is NOT posted on the floridahealth.gov website where all other guidance is posted.

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It blows your mind that this kind of news.... It isn't news at all; it gets zero airplay and is dismissed as a conspiracy. Thank you, Karen!

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Mr. Ladapo did the right thing. Hopefully he will inspire other surgeon generals to do likewise.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Kingston

Finally, a Surgeon General with brains and grit! Thank you, Karen!

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Kingston


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I went to a blood analysis doctor Thursday, it was really amazing, he looked in my eyes and took blood, he then let me see my blood, it had a parasite in it along with yeast and something else, plus some were stuck together. He put me on 9 different supplements and minerals to fix my digestion and liver issues. I wasn't going to the bathroom daily, #2 and now after 4 days I have gone every morning, so it helping. He did mention he sees allot of "vaccine" injured people whose blood is totally unreal, he wants to help them and he tells them what to tell their doctors. Being in Canada you can't get Ivermectin unless you order it from an outside source which Im now on daily to kill the bugs. Sorry I went off topic here but Im so excited for you to know. :)

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Glad to hear you found a doctor that can help you!

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Kingston

Well done Karen Kingston.

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Thank you David!

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God Bless, Karen Kingston. You risked your life and The Most High made sure you lived to see this day. Absolutely no injections. Most agree but brain fog is real. 💗

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Thank you Patricia!! I had the honor of debriefing Dr. Ladapo a couple years ago. May God continue to support him in his mission to remove the shots from Florida.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Kingston

Every parent, or soon to be parent, needs to REFUSE ALL INJECTIONS FROM BIRTH FORWARD!! The PowersThatBe are especially after the newborns and children of all ages. DO NOT ALLOW VAXXS OF ANY KIND!!! I read "A Shot in the Dark" way back in 1993 after my baby girl had a bad reaction to the "recommended vaccines" at 9 months old. I NEVER allowed another "shot in the dark" into my precious child, and neither should anyone!!

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Good on ya Molly. All 'vaccines' are poison. It says so right on the label. You most likely saved your daughter from a lifetime of health issues.

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Hi Molly - So sorry your daughter had a reaction. Thank goodness you kept her safe from all future shots. Hopefully the mainstream media will cover the dangers of all vaccines.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Kingston

Anyone who takes any injections now need their heads examined, the mRNA and spike is in everything they inject.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Kingston

Is the mRNA technology in this Fall's flu shots?

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Hi Charlene. This article explains how all vaccines are EUA and we don’t know what’s in them. The FDA has approved/authorized mRNA flu vaccines. There is so much info, I haven’t had time to write an updated article. https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/can-routine-childhood-vaccines-contain

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Thank you, Karen, for this info. I'll read the article. I really appreciate all you do to bring truth forward. This news about Florida is HUGE! God wins.

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I assumed it was, but I'd like to see proof so I can show my husband before he gets one. His job requires it, even though they're no longer requiring C-19 shots.

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I can guarantee there is poison in every shot. If your husband takes it, he could get heart issues, cancers or immune issues. I will trust God's immune system He gave us, Im 72 and have not had a "vaccine " since I was 10, 62 years ago, I have only been in the hospital once at 46 from a car wreck and when I was 15 to get my tonsils out. I will pray for your husband and you if any of you decide to poison yourselves.

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My husband already has heart issues, T2 diabetes, and extreme bodily pain from arthritis and spinal stenosis. I read the most important parts of the articles to him, and told him to show his superiors these reports from Karen should they attempt to force him to get the flu shot. He listened but did not reply other than a head nod. 🙏

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If your husband isn't on blood thinners then try Serrapeptase for pain. My friend has horrible Rheumatoid arthritis and she started taking this, after 3 days the swelling in her fingers went down and in her ankles and knees. Enerex is the best, you can buy it on Amazon, its not expensive, around $42.00 for 180 pills.

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