The surgical nurse I worked with today told me her agency pays $75/hour - $600 per day - to do vxx clinics.

I asked her what the demand was like.

She said, "We stay busy. It's steady. We're not bored."

She's giving covid, flu and pneumonia bioweapons mostly.

She is a young mother, with 3 very young children.

I am the only unvxxd person at this job.

I just show up to operate the c-arm, then I leave.

The surgeon is younger than I am, but he's had at least 2 vxxs, and he now looks 12 years older than me.

There is no talking sense to these people.

They just won't believe it.

They won't see it.

I came home and cried.

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Thanks Karen, I watched the interview with Maria yesterday. I recently went to a blood analysis doctor who showed me my blood on a screen, it had yeast and a couple black tiny lines which were my liver, my blood was slightly stuck together but not allot. I went there to find out why my hair was breaking off and I was itchy, he told me because of my digestion I was not retaining water, which I was drinking allot of, he explained how I should be drinking it and now Im retaining and Im not dehydrated. He also put me on 9 supplements and minerals which have helped. My regular doctor had me do blood work which showed creatine in my urine, I now know why, I was dehydrated. I am not "vaccinated" nor do I live with a "vaccinated" person but I know we are all being poisoned thru air, water and food. I have not drank tap water for a couple of years now, I use distilled water to cook and make coffee, I drink bottled water too. Im telling you this because I feel as healthy today as I did before the covid scam and I don't believe I have nano running rampant in my blood. I also want to say you have taught me so much, your knowledge on this stuff is beyond needed. God Bless you Karen.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Kingston

Ditto re all the help you have provided to my wife and I also Karen.

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Oh really, well thanks, Im glad to help.

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