I read that infants under one year of age cannot develop antibodies to vaccines . Apparently , the antibody system takes between year one and year 2 of life to develop . So … why are we vaccinating in the first year of life ? Is this true ?? Any immunologists out there that can corroborate this ?

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Safe????? In Jan 2023, Pfizer went to Federal Court on their own Accord and asked the judge for 75 years to release their vaccine study data. Judge said NO. Mar. 1 for 8 months they started releasing their vaccine study. It lists 1,271 side effects including heart attack, stroke, facial paralysis, genital herpes...

It's a Frankenshot. BOURLA is being sued by Texas State for $1.5 Trillion for massive injury and death claims. From memory GOTO PFIZER web b162b2 or something like that and you can see the study.

The suit may have been removed from the web. BOURLA is a flat out liar.

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Oh my! Trump introducing Pfizer's Bourla as a great businessman while the crowd boos today!

Yeah, were winning...NOT!

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'Death by coincidence'. If this was not so serious it would be comical. That now old discredited saying 'common sense' would suggest there is a causal link but no. More medical jargon to disguise the injection regime's true intent. Good work Karen. You just may have saved some mums and dads, extended families the terrible grief of losing a newborn.

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Heartbreaking. And then, how many miscarriages...many that never get reported? So is it the vaccines to the baby. Or the mother. Or both? What can be done to stop this? Or to help a hopeful mom to detox so that she can have babies? All part of the depopulation plan. By people,so calculatedly evil that they would be better if they depopulated themselves. They will be in torment someday.

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This is heartbreaking. I am thankful that RFK Jr. is going to be exposing the horrific effects of childhood vaccination and vaccinating pregnant women.

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Except Trump thinks that chickens need to be injected with mRNA to fight bird flu. They make it look like they care about us but all they really do is change the way they get their poison crap into us. At least that's the way it looks to me.

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