"Some Babies Will Experience Sudden Death Shortly After a Vaccination by Coincidence" - CDC Website
Pfizer and the FDA simply ‘agreed’ that permanently disabling and potentially deadly outcomes in vaccinated children were unrelated to being injected with Pfizer's mRNA technology.
January 8, 2025: The CDC provides a disclaimer on their website informing parents that babies between the ages of 2 and 6 months are at a higher risk for high fevers, seizures, and sudden death after vaccination, AND if their babies experience high fevers, seizers, or death after vaccination, it’s just “a coincidence.”
“Millions of vaccines are given each year to children less than 1 year old in the United States, usually between 2 and 6 months of age. SOME INFANTS WILL EXPERIENCE high fevers, seizures, and sudden infant DEATH syndrome (SIDS) SHORTLY AFTER A VACCINATION BY COINCIDENCE.” - The CDC
Image: Shutterstock Unless otherwise noted, written content is copyright of Karen Kingston, Karen Kingston LLC.
CDC Encourages COINCIDENTAL Vaccine Injury Reports in VAERS
The fact that the CDC has the audacity to gaslight parents by claiming that the serious injuries and adverse events (including death) directly caused by vaccination to newborn babies are a ‘coincidence’ should make every parents’ blood boil.
And make no mistake, while the CDC ‘encourages’ pediatricians to report adverse events to VAERS, they also encourage that pediatricians not attribute the adverse events to the vaccines.
“These coincidences make it difficult to know whether a particular adverse event resulted from a medical condition or from a vaccination.” - The CDC
CDC Admits VAERS Only Captures a Small Fraction of Serious Adverse Events Caused by Vaccines
Furthermore, the CDC admits that VAERS only captures ‘a small fraction’ of the harmful and sometimes lethal clinical outcomes caused by vaccines in infants (and adults).
Life-Threatening Fevers, Seizures, and Hospitalizations ‘Post-Vaccination’ Were “Unrelated to COVID-19Vaccination” Per the FDA and Pfizer
Throughout the body of Pfizer’s FDA-submitted Phase-3 clinical trial of babies and toddlers aged 6 months to 4 years old, there are horrifyingly detailed descriptions of the painful and disabling harms done to the babies and toddlers after receiving the COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections, including; anaphylaxis life-threatening allergic reaction), appendicitis, fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, and status epilepticus. Status epilepticus is a condition in which a child will suffer through seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures a day -sometimes a dozen or more. These seizures can lead to permanent brain damage.
Babies Suffered Fevers, Respiratory Disease, Herpes Outbreaks, Seizures and Brain Damage Post-Pfizer Vaccination
Pfizer also documented epilepsy, exanthema subitum (herpes induced fever), seizures, permanent brain damage (confirmed by an EEG), hypotonia (limp ‘lifeless-like’ baby syndrome), and lissencephaly (genetically-induced brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions/folds) in babies and toddlers injected with Pfizer’s COVID-10 mRNA shots.
The “Independent Review Board” (aka Pfizer), study investigators and the FDA simply claimed that these horrific vaccine-induced events were “unrelated to vaccination,” and wrote fraudulent narratives to attribute the vaccine injuries to other alleged conditions.
I claim that the clinical narratives are false because vaccine trials are conducted in healthy children. Infants and babies who had previous existing conditions (including peanut allergies, seizures, or respiratory disorders) are excluded from these type of trials.
There Was NO Placebo Group
The FDA and Pfizer tried to make it look like pneumonia, life-threatening allergic reactions, viral gastroenteritis, tonsillitis, respiratory disease, head injuries, thermal burns, and seizures are “normal” in healthy babies who are under 2 years old by showing similar adverse events and injuries in the “placebo group.” Except….
…there was no placebo group. Whether it was the baby group (under 2 years old) or toddlers (up to 4 years old), all of the placebo babies and toddlers who remained in the study were unblinded and injected with the Pfizer’s mRNA technology.
While the study protocol for the “placebo group” was to receive 3 shots over an approximate 3 month period, less than 1% of the babies (under 2 years old) made it to the end of the study.
Less Than 1% of Babies in the Unblinded Placebo Group Made it to the End of the Trial
In an unblinded placebo subgroup of 377 babies 6 to 23 months old:
344 (100%) babies were injected with the 1st dose of 3μg of mRNA nanoparticles,
296 (86%) babies were injected with the 2nd mRNA dose,
77 (22%) babies were injected with the 3rd mRNA dose, and
only 3 babies (1%) made it to their 1-month follow-up visit post 3rd COVID-19 mRNA injection.
Reasons for Withdrawal from Pfizer’s COVID-19 Clinical Trials Included Hospitalization and Death
Per Pfizer’s Initial New Drug Application (IND), reasons for study participant withdrawal included hospitalization and death.
Pfizer’s FDA-submitted clinical trial data also notes that some parents “requested” that their babies and infants be “withdrawn” from the study after urgent medical visits and hospitalizations. We have no public records on how many of these babies and toddlers died.
Please watch this 1-minute clip on what happened in Pfizer’s horrific ‘clinical trial.’
You can view my full interview on Geopolitics and Empire at Hrvoje Morić‘s Substack here.
Within 24 hours of me posting the above video on LinkedIn (with more than 14,000 views before it was quickly taken down), Pfizer reported a toddler’s death in a separate gene therapy trial.
We Can NOT Let Pfizer Get Away with Infanticide (Infant Murder)
Pfizer and the FDA simply ‘agreed’ that the permanently disabling and sometimes deadly outcomes that occurred in formerly healthy babies and toddlers within hours, days, or weeks after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA injections were not from Pfizer’s injections, but simply “unrelated coincidences.” With the increase in sudden deaths and debilitating diseases in formerly healthy adults, children, and infants, occurring after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, HHS, the CDC, and the FDA have proven themselves to be an irresponsible and reckless federal agency at best, or a criminal and treasonous agency at worst.
We can NOT let the FDA, CDC, and Pfizer get away with the murder of innocent adults, children, toddlers and babies….babies as young as 6 months old. If any other organizations or individuals intentionally poisoned a child with a toxic substance, and then that child became violently sick or died, the perpetrators would be charged with manslaughter. If the perpetrators’ defense was simply stating, “Well, the child’s death is unrelated to the poison we gave them,” we would NOT let them get away with MURDER.
The reason why the PREP Act does not protect HHS, the CDC, the FDA, Pfizer and Moderna from criminal charges for willful injury and manslaughter is because Congress does not have the authority to rewrite state criminal laws (i.e. granting immunity for attempted battery, assault or murder) under the guise of regulating interstate commerce. There are several Supreme Court cases that can referenced to have their immunity vacated and move forward with criminal charges. We just need brave Attorneys General and state prosecutors to do so.
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Mathew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.
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