Am sorry Karen I strongly agree with Stew and public hangings or firing squads for the animals who lied about the fact saying its safe and effective. Its killing children and personaly if I didn't detox I would be dead right now. My mother was killed with Rendesiver. My dad was killed by the bioweapon covid shot and my best friend was killed by Pfizer and his booster 3rd shot caused turbo cancer killng a nice guy who was only 46. I do interviews and share the deox that saved ny life its a combination of mostly Dr Anna's protocol with some other geniuses in the field. Anyone wanting this lifesaving interview just reply send and I will do just that. Thank you for your resesrch but these murderers must be executed for Genocide.

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Karen, I hope you and Ken Paxton’s team here in Texas can join efforts to bring the plandemic perpetrators to face justice! I so admire the work you’re doing and encourage you to stay in the good fight as a leader in truth telling.

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I unsubscribed to Stew Peters after he made disgusting 'jokes' about homosexuals while proclaiming the name of the Lord, and because I couldn't stand the repeated rants.

Vengeance belongs to God; but He ordained that justice should be carried out by men.

Isaiah 59:14 So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. 15 Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.

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Jun 24Liked by Karen Kingston

Thank you for the detailed writing and clarification with stew peters.

(I don’t listen to him as much as I used to because of his style, he & Alex jones are too loud for my system. )

I use air oasis air cleaners. (They help my autoimmune issues and help in my battle with biotoxin and biofilms in the home. )

Their new models are even better than the original ones.

Thank you Karen.

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Jun 24Liked by Karen Kingston

& i will share everywhere i am except facebook

They censor stew peters relentlessly.

Sometimes i can get away with a screenshot and not be censored there.

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Thank you. I understand FB censorship.

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I’m only still there to bring awareness to injured friends. I think it has helped a little.

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Jun 24Liked by Karen Kingston

Karen, you are not just an amazing human being, you have such courage and integrity!

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Thank you Annette. I appreciate your kind words.

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I do appreciate your stand on the issue of non-violence Karen. Non-violence is desirable. It is good of you to reinforce and clarify your stand, and your testimony. The work that you have done is making a huge difference in the fight against the evil being perpetrated against the innocent in the world. We have made progress, as individuals because of your work, in the winning over of many who were seduced by the lies of the global elite, who aspire to own and control everything they see, and take what can be taken. They are without conscience, without mercy, and never have enough...their perversions consume them. There is no amount of kindness or mercy that will 'fix' them or dissuade them from their perversions and greed. They are evil to the core, without any hope of redemption. There are, Scripturally speaking, some that will never see heaven, and are doomed to hell.

The only thing they fear is an armed, righteous citizen. If there were no threat of violence to them, in some form, they have nothing at all to deter them from the most vile crimes imaginable. We do not want to allow our society to devolve that far. That is indeed why WE ABSOLUTELY NEED THE 2ND. Not because we are violent...we need to emanate the message we are not afraid to use violence if justice fails and violence becomes necessary. History proves the case. Bullies and murderers detest violence against themselves, but dish it out with relish.

We are to preach the gospel to every creature, TEACH men and women from every nation to hear the commands of Jesus AND DO THEM. We are commanded, as far as it is up to us, to be at peace with all men. This then is the catch, because, like a mosquito in your bedroom at night, it is only a matter of time before they, the blood thirsty, take your blood and/or give you a disease, and take your life. Your option is then to accept the repeated assaults, that you know are certainly coming, or hunt and kill that mosquito before you go to sleep. When it comes to the issue of the many faceted government mandated killing and injuring of our innocents, our wives, daughters and children, our good men AT THE WHIM OF THE GLOBAL "ELITE", there is no further obligation to me or any real man to spare them from the discomfort of judgement, punishment or an early, uncelebrated grave. Let me be very clear...when someone has declared you to be a target of abuse/murder/genocide, you have an obligation to fight tooth and nail to stop their carnage ASAP. An obligation is there to fight to protect your children. Failure to attempt to stop them is acting as their accessory, and giving them consent. In addition, when the legal judicial system has been captured and is failed, and justice cannot be honestly served, it falls to the individual to uphold the law, with appropriate force as required, including lethal force. Citizens have zero obligation to observe the "legal rights" of someone who is intent upon destroying them within the consent of the illegal "law" they have designed to protect themselves with. When the true laws, agreed upon as a society have failed, it must become frontier justice. Frontier justice was quick, clear, and unambiguous...where the law failed to do it's proper job, it fell to the cowboys, mountain men, trappers and miners to keep the peace...and they did. I for one will not tolerate the continued aversion to administer justice by the miscreants running the justice department, police departments, lawyers advocating for the murderous lot and their rights, while innocent lives are being lost to them and their perversions... Jesus said WE WOULD BE JUDGEING THE WORLD...and he did not mean handing out probations and orders to attend court sometime. Those responsible for ATROCITIES SUCH AS MANDATED MURDER should be hung as a deterrent. We are the Biblical sword of the Lord, and we need to be sure not to shrink from our duty to stand in the gap and resist the devil and his works. The sword of justice needs to be applied fairly and equally...mercy is not shown to those who have shown no mercy. Remember that Jesus instructed his disciples to go out and buy a sword if they did not have one. (Luke 22: 35,36 KJV). He was instructing them to defend themselves. How many millions have died now since the roll-out of the death jab? Those responsible have "LEGALLY" covered their tracks to avoid prosecution...but should they be allowed to miscarry justice? No. We are commanded to not conform to the world the miscreants desire us to bend the knee to...Exodus 23: 24 (KJV)..."Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: BUT THOU SHALT UTTERLY OVERTHROW THEM, AND QUITE BREAK DOWN THEIR IMAGES." The altars of global warming, ESG, DEI, transgenics, mandatory genetic "vaccinations", "alternative proteins", metered water, and censored speech will not be observed by a real Christian, because all of these are contrary to the laws God gave us. We are not to comply, perverting justice by siding with the crowd.

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If God is with us, no one can stand against us. We must adhere to His laws for God to be with us.

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The hospitals were turned into killing fields with Fauci's protocol of what they do after the vaccine didn't work, a friend of mine had it done to him and they couldn't kill him after vaccines, ventilation and remdesivir they let him go after a month of torture and now he can barely speak and has a hole in his throat where you can hear him breath while he speaks.

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Karen, my State Senator in Maryland is willing to write a letter to the Maryland AG to see if he would be interested in filing civil fraud charges against Pfizer with the five other states. Like Dr. Francis Boyle said today with Maria Zeee that ultimately, criminal charges against Pfizer is in the offing too! The counter offensive in this war needs to happen now! If you or Joe can help my Senator draft a letter to the Maryland AG, that would be great. Maryland has more biotech firms than most other states! Thanks, Bernie

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Hi Bernie. That’s great news! If you send me your Senator’s contact info, I’ll reach out and bring in Joe and Dr. Boyle.

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Ok, I have his old delegate email. Let me find his new Senate email! I will forward it to you on your patriot email address. Thanks, Bernie

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Jun 24Liked by Karen Kingston

Your integrity is never in question, but we do appreciate the clarity. You are a beautiful and brave warrior for what is right. Stay well sweet woman.

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