Karen, how do we get the nanotechnology out of our bodies?

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Farm animals, especially food animals, are being infected with pathogens. Aerosols might drift onto horses as well. Keep your animals' immune systems in tip-top shape with good nutrition etc., including, of course, adequate iodine.

"Is H5N1 an Aerosolized Bioweapon Pandemic Too?

"Yes. H5N1 is also a nanoparticle lab-created pathogen created and funded by NIH/DARPA/DoD/BARDA that is currently inoculating mammals around the globe, specifically targeting dairy cows and chickens, through aerosol attacks, as well as contaminated food and/or water. "

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Hi Karen😊you should see this. Sean puts out incredible news all the time!!https://rumble.com/v6500pp-chemtrails-pilot-reveals-plot-to-blanket-world-in-death-fog-to-kill-billion.html

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I witnessed a 'three minute circle' by a large military aircraft over an area west of Yuma, Arizona about two weeks ago...the plane was discharging an enormous volume of aerosol vapor at a surprisingly low altitude...creating a veritable donut in the sky. After about a week, myself and others noticed feeling we were feeling a little ill...I took EDTA chelation, Ivermectin and DMSO, AND AM FEELING WELL AGAIN.

Last Sunday, the skies were painted horizon to horizon like we have never seen before...many people commented...one asked me if I believe in 'chemtrails'...I told him that the government admits to spraying the atmosphere...what is not to believe? They are indeed raining poison down on us, claiming that they 'are saving the world'...from carbon. Liars do NOT go to heaven when the Earth is incinerated. Jesus saves. Fauci et al destroys life and goodness. Choose life with God.

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Vacating the PREP ACT and exposing the fraud is pretty much out there in the public domain and an army is finding "rational" leadership, is my gut feeling since watching RFK looking into the chemical Disbursement in our sky on a zoom call. Some states are attempting to halt it like Tennessee and Florida I've heard recently a few times. But I still want to revisit the testing methods of these viruses. If the fake test used is still being used, and they admitted the PCR test is not designed to diagnose a virus, & the Nobel Prize Winner was given to the inventor who clearly, and most INFATICLY said those exact words on a videoed interview. American biochemist Kary Mullis. False positives are killing our food supply, an army can't fight without a food supply. We need to attack from all sides, exposing if they are still using fake test.

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Thank you, Karen!

From what I gather, 2025 is the year it seems they are unleashing all the poisons. I hope I'm wrong!

Here is the NASA (not a space agency) document link. There's a whole lot more they have in there, such as "Mechanized dust that bores into our lungs." etc.


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I totally agree Karen. It's the spraying, period. It's the elephant in the room. Just look up... the answer is right there for anyone to see if they would simply wake up. Even if we manage to shield from EMF, grow our own uncontaminated food and avoid the shedding from jabbed people, we still have to breathe! Praise God that He is sovereign and still able to protect us from this wicked agenda, because apart from Him no flesh would survive.

However, when we pray for each other let us also pray that more Christians wake up to this agenda. We need more troops! I am sorry to say that in my experience Christians are some of the most deceived about technocracy and transhumanism. It seems those that you and I would consider followers of "New Age" religion are much more awake to this stuff. How can this be?

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Because Christianity is NOT what the Christian church teaches . Jesus was NEVER about religion or Christianity . Jesus ALWAYS said : the kingdom of Heaven lies within YOU !!! Please grasp the MEANING of that !!!

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Great points. I have noticed individuals that have deeply studied both Christianity, other religions and quantum mechanics seem to be the most educated and aware of this attack on humanity. I believe their knowledge of what is happening should be shared by both Christians and non-Chistians alike, despite differing religious or ideological views.

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Transmission of viral infections through contact with an infected person is a theory, not a proven truth. Theories are only viable if they can be proven wrong. There are numerous legitimate studies dating back 100s of years proving the theory to be false. As an aside, no one has been able to legitimately explain how the first transmitter became infected. Was it Adam or Eve? The alternate theory at the time of the direct transmission theory was “environmental” as the cause of inflammations. One was destined to deliver riches to its propagandist promoters. The other was buried, but as truth always eventually comes out, people are starting to wake up.

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SUCCINCT & BRILLIANT - - t.y. , philip , blessings

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Right on Karen, as always!

The concise Takeaway for all of us you have stated so well in your entry:

1. Stop repeating the lies of the unelected overlords.

2. Turn attorneys general against Pfizer and have the PREP Act vacated.

3. On January 21 petition the new administration, HHS and Congress to issue a Class 1 recall of the COVID-19 mRNA injections.

4. Pray for each other.

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What about Elon musk and his advocacy of MRNA ??? And trumps WARSPEED??? Why do you not ever talk about this ?

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I don’t trust Musk in relation to AI and mRNA. When I first saw his rollout of an artificial intelligence-based brain implant in a disabled man a few years ago, I found the obvious association to trans-humanism downright alarming. Let’s hope he gets consumed with his new DOGE responsibilities where his penchant for fiscal slimming and trimming can be put to good use, while RFK and Rand Paul and others in power (who need to hear from us!) continue to turn public opinion more and more against mRNA.

As far as Trump is concerned, IMO he put too much faith in dark figures like Fauci, and Birx and organizations like the CDC, AMA, FDA, NIH, etc., and kept too loose a grip on these players. I trust he has learned a LOT since ‘20-‘21 and he deserves an opportunity to redirect public response to emerging scams such as the Bird “Flu” scare.

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Thank you for your perspective on this matter. I don’t know about Musk … or Trump with any of these people he’s elected . It’s like the misfits of the elites. So WEIRD.. all of it! But then what NO one is talking about either is that Pluto is entering Aquarias for 20 years after not being in Aquarius since the Revolutionary War!!! Yes! They don’t want us reading the stars… but THEY DO and THEY know what’s coming !!! HUGE SHIFT ! Get ready !!!

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I just shared.

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