I don't believe in lynching. I believe that those guilty of crimes against humanity and treason should be punished legally.

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Stew Peters has never allowed accuracy to get in the way of clicks.

Hysterical ranting appeals to some people, I'm not one of them.

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Any Pundit they put in your face day after day I ignore. Thanks Karen for bringing the truth!

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I have to resubscribe next month.

Thanks for your continued efforts.

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Stew Peters alludes a LOT to being judge, jury, and sometimes executioner every time he gets emotional - which is exactly why we stopped following him and removed any subscriptions. That attitude is going to catch up with him some day.

Meanwhile, we have Karen - thank you! You are a breath of fresh air in all this...

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Personally, I've never been comfortable with Stew Peters. I know nothing of his motives, but in my opinion, I think he has trouble being accurate and careful with complex topics. Some people just aren't as careful and thoughtful as they should be. I am willing to accept the standard of care demonstrated might actually be the best that Peters can do under the circumstances.

Those who paint with a broad brush and great emotion tend to slop the paint about and sometimes make an awful mess of it. Anyone who stands too close during such an episode might get painted in ways they don't like, and often do. Then come the interlopers and opportunists who try to finish the paint job attempted in error as a fait accompli.

The matter of intent and motive are not all that relevant. When you get pasted with someone's sloppy broad brush, the matter of why is too often a distinction that makes no difference.

Shame to see it happen to you.

Had a good friend (now passed) who was a funny and wise Anglican. When he got tagged with a controversy he would muse: "I really don't care what others might think of me. That's really none of my business."

The Right Reverend Jim was quite a fellow.

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