Sep 8·edited Sep 8

So Karen, have you made any effort to contact the RFK committee, because the number I called replied to me by text? That's where I got the early endorsement information. Which, if you introduce yourself briefly, may allow you to firm up the position he has taken in great detail, (a video I am copying to post tonight on Rumble) I've been following you very closely from some of your earliest appearances. He's saying almost the exact same things from tracking government military and political procedures right down to names & places and dates. Only those who have this link can view it on Rumble. (If you want the phone number email me thetikirv@protomail.com)


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Karen, Why aren't more "true and reliable journalists" not reporting on this subject and also, more alarmingly, the nanobots in the vaccines (and elsewhere)? I've been waiting ever since I started reading about these things a few months ago. You and Dr. Ana and a few others I'm aware of have mentioned them ; you and Dr. Ana extensively (THANK YOU!). Is it fear that keeps it out of the headlines? I admit that it could produce panic but probably more likely just more denial. But it could also be the final straw that makes people WAKE UP!!! What do you think????

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Sep 7Liked by Karen Kingston

It’s ALL about money and power. Thats it

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Sep 7Liked by Karen Kingston

And why is one of the active components of Luciferase, Luciferin, made by using an increment of 66.6ml?

Because it honors the original antichrist Osiris, The All-Seeing eye, which represents the sun god of Egypt whose # was 666 in Babylon.

You know, the one that is right on the one-dollar bill, and no one even seems to notice. Well, my friends, it's time to start noticing all the symbols and numbers all around us. They are telling us point blank who is in control (Lucifer).

Are you aware that the "All Seeing Eye" is the first symbol on the mural for Pfizer's headquarters?

We will never win this battle if we cannot address the spiritual forces behind it.

I know I am preaching to the choir here, but seeing child after child lose their life makes me want Christians to wake up worldwide.

Thank you Karen!

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Hi Brian. I agree. This is truly a spiritual battle. I am hopeful more Christians are having their eyes opened to the deception, corruption and pure evil infiltrating our nation and our lives. May all of us invest daily in prayer, reading the Bible and seeking divine guidance.

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